
Wednesday 26 February 2020

the Maori creation

WALT: make a presentation of the maori creation story.
making this storyboard was a lot of fun i did it with asher he helped me a little bit i think i did all the work but other then that it was fun.

Friday 21 February 2020

my hobby

WALT:use correct sentence punctuation in our blog and comments

first day at tech in 2020

W.A.L.T: use correct sentence punctuation in our blog post and comments.
my first day i was a little bit nervous because i had Mr Benjamin you have to were shoes or you cant come to tech any ways we were doing wood works it was pretty fun but he is grumpy and mean. the people in my group is liam,jack,henry,Frances,dash,Natasha it was so fun.   

Thursday 13 February 2020

Tuesday 11 February 2020

book review

Image result for bad guys book
bad guys one of my favourite books there are multiple sires I've got all the sires im only missing one and that is bad guys number 10. All the book is about is mostly just heroes that go around fighting evil bad guys like the evil but alien. the heroes names are shark he can shape shift into any thing and hes a master of disguise and wolf is just strong and there's piranha and snake but they dont do anything any ways that was my book review hope you in joy 

Friday 7 February 2020

Team building#3

Team building#3
on Wednesday my class and i did another team building activity but this time we were filling up some buncher balloons and then we had to get into 4 groups of 5 the people in my teams names were Marko,Louis,Jaspa,Kauwa,Kauri after we got into our groups we grabbed a water balloon got into a circle and and started throwing the balloon clockwise around the circle Lopala cheated he grabbed 4 and stuck them in his poket we one once and so did Lopala's team it was so fun no one got real wet.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

team building #2

team building
Yesterday our class did another team building activity my team was called cups and the people in my team were Kauwa,Laim,Dev,Kauri. we had to make the tallest and biggest tower out of marshmallows and skewers we were definitely the losing team because we keeped eating marshmallows it was so much fun i want to do it again the wining team was the girls

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Team building


yesterday me and my class did team building. we got split up into little groups the first activity was building a tower out of cups but there were a twist we couldn't touch the cups with our hands or body we had to use a string and a rubber band my team name was bananas and the people in my group were Jaspa,dylan,marko,ella,kauwa.
